Friday, February 29, 2008

Wildman explosive pushups

Johnny Grube doing explosive pushups

Some people want to see the wildman in action and
that's great and I will continue to put videos on
youtube and on this blog.

I want people to know that I'm not a gymnast so
don't expect a gymnast routine.

Gymnast are exceptionally strong and are great
athletes, but I want to show people how to get into
great shape without doing a gymnast routine and
in the great outdoors.

The pushups in the video are great for explosiveness
and quickness and will strengthen the core check it out
and let me know what you think.

Train Hard, Stay Strong.

Johnny Grube

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Johnny Grube and some bench burpees

The Wildman bench burpees

These burpees are a little different from the regular
burpees, these take a little bit of athletic ability so
take your time and have fun.

These type of burpees will test your physical fitness
and explosiveiness and these will have you huffing
and puffing in no time.

Do these for 15 to 30 seconds rest for 30 seconds
then repeat 5 to 8 times.

Train Hard, Stay Strong.

Johnny Grube

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Johnny Grube doing some outdoor training

The first look at the wildman doing a little
training in the snow, doing snow sprints and
throwing a 4 lb medicine ball and some burpees.

This is a tough workout, the snow makes it tough
the medicine ball builds explosiveness and the
burpees adds a little more pain.

Do this for 50 to 60 yards for 30 seconds to
1 minute- rest for 30 seconds then go again.

Do this 6 to 10 times.

This can also be done on a beach in the sand.

Train Hard, Stay Strong.

Johnny G

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Training outdoors is a great way to

This is a hill that
I workout on
from time to time,
and the workout
is brutal.

The hill is steeper
then it looks and
is tough to run
because of the rocks and tree branches,
but it really works the body.

Along the way I throw a piece of rope over a tree for pullups.

The workout:

I will bear crawl down the hill- sprint back up the hill and then
I will do some pullups.

I will do this for 6 to 10 minutes.

Not very complicated but it's very effective.

Keep training fun. And never let the body
know what's coming.

Train Hard, Stay Strong.

Johnny G

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

*WildmanTraining *
Hard-core bodyweight training
for superior physical fitness

You can build a lean, muscular and
athletic body from your own home.

You will never need a gym. All you
need is guts, hard training and good
natural eating.

Train Hard, Stay Strong.

Johnny G

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Bodyweight training can be done everyday
and anywhere.

This is one question that I get a lot. Should I
exercise everyday ? The answer- exercise as
often as possible.

Training as often as possible will give you the
exercise habit, this is a good habit.

You can train while you watch T.V, you can train
in a hotel room you can find time to train when-
ever you want.

That's what's great about using your own bodyweight
as resistance you take everywhere you go, your body
is your portable gym.

You don't have to find a gym, you can use bodyweight
training to make great gains no matter where your at.

Until Later Train Hard, Stay Strong.

Johnny G

Friday, February 15, 2008

You are what you eat.

You all have heard that you are what
you eat, this is true.

People that struggle with their weight
and fat loss are usually just kidding

If you are looking to lose fat and build
lean muscle you need to choose better
foods and there is no way around it.

If you think that by dieting and by
taking some fat burners are the
answer you will soon find out that
this will not work for you in the long

Only by living as clean as possible will
you be able to attain the health and
fitness you are looking for.

Clean living means eating natural foods,
drinking plenty of water and getting
plenty of exercise and no drinking alcohol.

Bodyweight training is great for building
lean muscle and burning a lot of fat in a
short period of time.

Bodyweight training will work a lot of
muscles at the same time so you will burn
more fat and build more usable muscle than
you thought possible.

Just like anything it takes time. But if you take
this little advice you will have no trouble feeling
and looking good in no time.

Train Hard, Stay Strong,

Johnny G

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Bodyweight training outdoors for fitness
and fun.

With the cold weather most men and
women would rather train indoors instead
of outdoors.

I think you need to get outside as much as
possible and enjoy the fresh air.

There are so many ways to have fun outdoors
so many different things that you can do if you
just open your eyes.

For many of us snow will keep us indoors and
snow can be used as a serious workout tool.

Shoveling snow.
Running in snow.
walking in snow.
Dragging around the kids on a sled.
Running hills in the snow.

Or you can even hit your local playground,
snow covered and all, no one will probably
be there.

You can still do pullups and pushups and
run even if it's in the snow.

Get outside enjoy the fresh air and get fit.

Train Hard, Stay Strong,

Johnny G

Monday, February 11, 2008


Strength is something we all need, yet
so many people are very weak.

Being strong is not just being strong
of the body but also of the mind.

Being strong is a state of mind, it's
a way of life. Strength physically
and mentally work as one.

Strength comes in two forms physical
and mental and most men and women
are weak in both areas.

The mind just like the body needs to be
worked and challenged everyday for over-
all improvement.

Build strength everyday physically and
mentally and watch yourself grow.

Train Hard, Stay Strong,

Johnny G

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Burn off abdominal fat naturally in 7
minutes a day.

This seems to be an on going problem,
men andwomen trying to lose unwanted
abdominal fat, and there might be an answer.

Most t.v. infomercials will have you believe that
any and every new abdominal gadget on the
market will burn off all abdominal fat in just
minutes a day.

But some experts will tell you that you can't
spot reduce, meaning that just by doing crunches
you won't lose the body fat around your middle.

If you look at all the infomercials at the bottom
of the t.v. screen you will see that you need to
eat a low calorie diet for these gadgets to

So they got you to spend alot of money on
a gadget that won't work unless you change
the way you eat anyhow.

So do you really need these high priced t.v.
exercise machines or could you get the same
results at home and save yourself alot of

You already know that you need to lower your
overall calories to lose fat but you also need
exercise to keep your muscles strong and

I have known men and women that try to eat
good but don't exercise, they lose weight, but
the weight they lose is muscle.

These men and women think that what the
scale has the answer, most of the time the
scale doesn't give you the right answer.

I have seen alot of fat men that got thinner
meaning that they did lose weight, but they
didn't exercise, and they still were fat around
the abdominal and most have no idea how to
correct this situation or they won't listen.

If you have time to do a 7 minute abdominal
workout that's great, but won't it make more
sense to use that 7 minutes to work the whole
body and burn more fat then isolating one
muscle group.

In 7 minutes you could almost run a mile or do
a bodyweight circuit that will work the entire
body as well as the abdominals.

Try this simple workout and see what a bodyweight
circuit can do for you.

Do 1 minute of jumping jacks.
Do 1 minute of abdominal crunches.
Do 30 seconds of pushups.

Do this for 7 minutes with no rest and see how
this works, this will burn fat all over and will
help build lean muscle and you will burn
fat for a longer period of time.

If you eat as natural as possible these types of
bodyweight circuits will burn fat at a record pace.

Train Hard,

Johnny Grube

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Eat as simple as possible and lose fat.

If you are still wondering how to lose bodyfat
start to eat as natural as possible.

Eating as natural as possible is the easiest and
healthiest way to lose the extra pounds and keep
them off.

If you are weak minded and are tempted by the food
around you, you will need to evaluate what's important
to you.

If food is so important to you that you would rather
become diseased then change your eating habits then
life can't be all that important.

Train hard, Stay Strong,

Johnny G

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Wednesday, February 06, 2008

One thing you can do to lose body fat.

The one thing you can do if you want to start
to lose bodyfat would be to speed up your

The slower your metabolism the slower
the fat will come off, by building lean
muscle you will burn more bodyfat
then if you just started to diet.

To speed up your metabolism you
could eat smaller more frequent meals
everyday, but only natural foods.

The more natural the foods the better
off you will be.

Short intense workouts are also the key
to a fast metabolism- training shorter
more explosive type of workouts will
speed up your metabolism and have
you burning fat all day long.

Johnny G

Monday, February 04, 2008

Food gorging is not a sport !!!

We are so screwed up as a country
that we think that eating and gorging
on food is a sport. It's NOT!

We have a weight problem today
in america and we don't need to
show fat men stuffing their fat
faces with chicken wings.

Do you think that eating 200 chicken
wings in a 30 minutes is safe and
healthy ?

Lets keep supporting this type of
sport you morons and then wonder
why people are becoming sick and fat.

Train Hard,

Johnny G