Thursday, January 31, 2008

Bodyweight training is for real men.

Real men train hard, real men don't make
excuses, real men do what needs to be done,
real men take care of their business.

Real men workout hard it doesn't matter
what's going on they just train hard.

Bodyweight training is for a man that isn't
afraid of sweat and pain, a real man embraces
the hard core type of training.

Bodyweight training tests the body as well
as the mind. Bodyweight training makes you
feel like you had a workout.

Train Hard, Stay Strong,

Johnny G

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The 5 minute Bear Crawl.

The Bear crawl is a great workout
and in a few short minutes you will
know your ass was just kicked.

The Bear crawl is simple, get down
and walk around on all fours. This
will work a ton of muscles.

If you are short on time try doing
the Bear crawl for 5 minutes with no

You can do this in very little space, you
can use a small room just keep walking
back and fourth.

Try this for 5 minutes.

Train Hard,

Johnny G

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Exercise for life.

Physical fitness is life long it's not
something done for a week or to
get ready for summer.

Exercise is a way of life. Good living
is a way of life. Eating the best you
can all the time is a way of life.

Life long fitness is the key to a healthy
and productive life.

Bodyweight training , sprinting, walking
climbing, biking, jumping rope, swimming
are some keys to overall physical fitness.

Train Hard,

Johnny G

Monday, January 28, 2008

A quick game for improved fitness.

For some of you getting in shape is no
fun. Fun is the key to getting in great

So it's important to find ways to make
getting fit fun. One way to have fun
make getting in shape a game, challenge

A quick game can be played using a pair
of dice. Use one of the die as the number
of sets and the other as the number of reps.

Pick two or three different bodyweight
exercises and roll the dice.

For an example you could use pushups,
squats, and situps, roll the dice and start
the game.

If one die is easy double or triple the number,
for example if you roll a 6 triple it do 18 it's
a fun and simple game.

Set a time limit 5, 10, 15 minutes or longer.

Train Hard,

Johnny G

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Natural food and bodyweight training.

If you eat the right foods and stop making fat loss
complicated you will have no trouble while you burn
body fat.

If you continue to read about all of the diets on the
market you will continue to struggle, pick a way of
eating and stick with what works.

It's up to you as how fast you get your weight under
control you can be extreme and cut out all junk food
or you can continue to make excuses and say you
got to cheat sometimes. Why do you have to cheat?

If you aren't serious why bother. You should never
begin anything unless your serious.

Bodyweight training gives you a way to exercise
and burn body fat fast and if you combine body
weight training and eating natural you will get
the results you are looking for.

Train Hard,

Johnny G

Comments anyone?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bodyweight Training Only ?

Johnny G - Lean and Mean

Train Hard, and get strong!!!

Johnny G

Lets hear the comments !!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Sprints will build a physically fit body.
Sprints will build lean muscle burn a lot
of fat and build explosiveness.

Long distance running will break down the
muscle and will not build explosiveness.

Compare a sprinters body to a person that
runs long distance.

Sprinters are more muscular and the distance
runner is weak looking, here's not very muscular.

Sprinters are almost always stronger than a person
that only runs for distance.

Sprinters usually do other types of conditioning while
a distance runner only runs.

If you combine sprints with bodyweight training
you will see great results in a short amount of

Train Hard,
Johnny G

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Take responsibility for your eating habits !

There are so many diet books on the market today
and everyone thinks that this is it, the diet of all

Stop fooling yourself. No diet long term is going to
work for you. Millions of people go on diets every
day some lose some don't, but long term most
people fail and it's your fault.

You choose the food you eat, you choose what to
drink. There's no magic formula just plain old
common sense.

If you like to eat junk food what do you think
will happen in the long run?

The law to life long weight control and health
is eat foods that are natural, do you know some
people would rather die than give up eating the
foods that make them sick... that's bad.

If your life revolves around food don't bother
trying to change it won't happen.

Johnny G

I would like to hear some comments.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Train everyday.

Training everyday is the key to real life physical fitness, you
heard right train everyday.

I always hear people complain that they have to go the gym
or I no longer have the time to workout,these are just excuses.

Training everyday will build a habit, it will become part of your
everyday life. Training will become just like brushing your teeth
or taking a shower.

Training everyday will give you better results in the long run,
because over time you will be training more intensely but shorter
workouts mean more time to recover.

If most people train for 1 hour 3 times a week that's 3 hours
of time working out but most people don't train for a full
1 hour there's down time, resting in between sets doing light
cardio workout.

So lets say a person that trains for 1 hour is really training for
maybe 45 minutes and that's being nice most people don't put
in 30 minutes of good hard work so 45 minutes 3 times a week
2 hour and 25 minutes.

But if you train real intense with little or no rest for 15 minutes
in a weeks time you will have trained for almost 2 hours so
you save 25 minutes a week training harder and more intense.

Training short and intense will burn more fat over the long haul
and will build lean workable muscle, not to mention quicker
recovery time.

Train Hard,

Johnny G