Friday, October 31, 2008

Bodyweight training will give you big results in little time!!

If you are looking to get big results in as
little time as possible you don’t need to
go any further then your backyard or
local park.

I’m always telling you to be as simple as
possible when it comes to your workouts.

The more complicated you make your workouts
the less results you will get. The more time you
spend getting complex the more time your

If you like handstand pushups do’em if you like
pushups do them too. It really doesn’t matter
as long as you train and train hard as often as
you can. You can train for 5, 10, 15 minutes or
longer if you want, just do what needs to be done.

Paddy Doyle the holder of 132 bodyweight records
and martial arts records doesn’t have a record for
handstand pushups or pull-ups as a matter of fact
I don’t even know if he does them; but would you
say he wasn’t fit? He is the fittest man in the world
in my opinion and he keeps it simple. Basic, hard
and to the point.

In as little as 15 to 30 minutes you will be able to
do things that may seem impossible but it is
possible. Set yourself a goal of either time or reps
and go at it like your life depended on it. Because
you never know when a high level of fitness will
save your life or someone else’s.

Try this 30 minute workout:

10 U.K. squat thrusts.
25 Jumping Jacks.
10 Pushups.

Do as many as you can in a 30 minute time
limit. I did 50 sets and just got it done in the
30 minute time limit.

1,250 Jumping Jacks, 500 U.K. squat thrusts
500 pushups.

Try it see where you wind up and let me know.

Train Hard, if your fat and weak it’s your fault.

Johnny Grube

P.S. I can promise an almost super human level
of fitness if you order “ The Wildman Training course.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Beware of the bodyweight frauds.

Their are men out there that have bodyweight
websites and lift weights. The only reason they
have a bodyweight website is to make money.

I have no problem with people making money
but at least use what you sell or create at least
one of your own products. I have even seen
bodyweight websites with the owner lifting

Be careful of these websites.

Train hard, if you are fat and weak it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Wildman eats chick food.

For years I have been eating an
almost meatless diet and have
been told I eat like a chick.

I will go out to eat and order a
salad. I like salads. I go out to
eat and I order water for my
drink. I like water.

I eat nuts and seeds and people
call it hampster food. Have you
ever seen a hampster run on a
wheel they move fast and go
long. Must be their food.

I had two fat out of shape young
guys tell me that eating meat is
manly. Yeah, it's working for them.

I say eat what you want if it has
no bad effects and if it does drop
it, and move on to something else.

Years ago I dropped dairy and have
been better for it. Have fun, eat and
train and get healthy and fit.

Train Hard, if your fat and weak it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you haven't gotten "The Wildman
Training Program or "The Super Strength
Playground manual order NOW! but only
if your man enough.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Just do something !!!

Exercise should be done almost

You don't need to set a record
everytime you train.

Just do something everyday
and you will be amazed at
what you can accomplish
by doing a little everyday.

Train Hard, If your fat and weak it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Emperor of Bodyweight
Strength and Endurance.

So what do I mean when I say the
Emperor of Strength and Endurance ?
Who is the Emperor of Strength and
Endurance ?

Any man who can break 132 stamina
and fitness records in my opinion is
the fittest man alive. The man that
is the fittest man alive (and it's not
an opinion it's a fact ) is Paddy Doyle,
Paddy has broken 132 world records-

A couple of world record that are
amazing is 1,840 burpees in 1 hour
and 4,705 bodyweight squats in 1 hour.
4,100 pushups in 4 or 5 hours with a
50 lbs on his back. These are just 3
world records he holds.

All of Paddy Doyles records are basic
exercises andyou could argue if you
wanted but Paddy Doyle is the fittest
man alive.

This is one man I have been studying for
years.I want to learn and watch the best.
Paddy Doyle works hard and keeps it
simple and doesn't have a body anything
like a magazine body-builder, and yet
he is truly amazing when it comes to

Think about it for a minute to do 4,705
bodyweight squats in 1 hour you need
to do about 1,200 every 15 minutes.

See how many you can do in 15 minutes
and find any other bodyweight guru that
can even come close.We talked last week
about the power of 15 so see what you can
do using only 1 exercise.

So give it a try see how many bodyweight
squats you can do in 15 minutes, not hindu
squats regular squats. Legs parallel to the

Train Hard, and if your fat and weak it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you are ready to break some
records "The Wildman Training Program"
can help make it happen.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm calling out the booze drinking trainers.

This goes out to the gurus who are out there
preaching the healthy lifestyle that are out
there drinking booze and living unhealthy

Let's put it this way I know for fact that this
goes on. I've seen it. And it happens all the

As a matter of fact I know that while their
at the gym they are talking about going out
and partying.

Yeah, nothing like your trainer telling you
what you need to do to be healthy yet can't
live it themselves.

Hey, there's more to fitness and health then
wash board abs and spandex. You want to
see wash board abs find a crack addict and
check out his abs. Is he healthy and fat ?

Before you go telling people how they should
live to be healthy you might want to take your
own advice.

Hey, I welcome the comments from the pissed
off trainers. Bring it brother.

Train Hard, And if your stupid and drunk it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Bodyweight training for explosive power.

Most expert will have you believe that slow
controlled movements are how you build
physical fitness.

The truth is that every activity that is done
on a day to day basis is always explosive; it's never
slow and controlled.

This is how most people wind up getting hurt
on the job. They use a controlled movement
and when the body has to do something out
of the ordinary, like bend over they hurt
their back.

Training explosive is almost always the
most effective way to physical fitness.

Name any sport that doesn't require
explosive type movements and I will
tell you it ain't a sport.

Listen to all the fitness gurus you want
and read all the health and fitness magazines
to find the answer, take all the supplements
you can stomach and very few will help
unless you are training your body for real

Bodyweight training will build an explosive
body if you are man or women enough to
train hard and sweat, it's not easy; but will
give you results that most will never have
because it's to hard and most just want to
go through the motion.

Train Hard, and if your fat and weak it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

P.S. The Wildman Training Program will whip you
into incredible shape in record time!!!

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Friday, October 17, 2008

15 minutes of bodyweight training will whip you into shape.

The power of 15 minutes is something that works. I don't
care how fit you are or how unfit you are. The power of
15 will work for anyone willing to take the time.

If you can't manage 15 minutes a day you are wasting
my time and I have no sympathy for you. In the last
blog I talked about the power of 15 minutes and had
some people email me and let me know what they
accomplished, and they all win because they actually
did it.

On Thursday I did 500 bodyweight squats in 10:51
today I did 1,000 jumping jacks in 11:54 not bad
for a time limit workout.

I usually pick a number reps in a certain amount of time
and do what ever in possible to complete that number
of reps. If I finish early great if not I keep going.

Train Hard, if you are fat and weak it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

P.S. The Wildman Training Program is the best of
it's kind for results!!!

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Bodyweight Training and the power of 15 minutes.

So what’s the power of 15? It’s 15 minutes of hard work.
Anybody can go to a gym and workout for 45 minutes to
an hour but few can go hard for 15 minutes giving it all
they got.

In 15 minutes a lot can happen. You can run over 2 miles
You could do 400 to 500 bodyweight squats. You could
do 300 to 500 pushups or 200 to 250 burpees.

You could use 2 to 3 different exercises and go all out for
15 minutes going from exercise to the other with little or
no rest.

If you just picked 3 exercises bodyweight squats, pushups
and situps and trained hard for 15 minutes you could wind
up with 250 bodyweight squats, 250 pushups and 200 situps.
all that in only 15 minutes. You need to train explosive to get
explosive results you push hard and get it over with, and feel
you accomplished something for the day.

As simple as this sounds it works and has been test by lots of
different people and has yet to fail as a matter of fact the only
reason it would fail is if you never tried it.

The Wildman Training program has been tested for fast results
and has never failed. It will actually turn back the clock. But it
does come with a price. Hard work and sweat.

So see what you can do in 15 minutes and let me know.

Train Hard, and if your fat and weak it’s your fault.

Johnny Grube

John Grube B.C.S. F.F.S is an expert on the
subject of bodyweight training and real
functional fitness. He has over 25 years
of training experience and is the author
of The Wildman Training Program manual ,
The New Expanded version The Wildman
Training Course and The Super Strength
Playground Training Manual. The Heavy Bag ,
Picnic Table and Car Training manual You can
also go to
and his blog for video updates For more

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Thursday, October 09, 2008

We live in a land of the fat and weak….

Before I give this weeks newsletter I need to
know how many of you really read and do the
workouts I give to you in these newsletters ?
I know some of you do because I get great
feedback, but what about the rest of you?

The reason I ask is there is no reason to
subscribe to a newsletter if you won’t use
the information. If you want to learn to
swim you need to swim if you want to learn how
to ride a bike you need to get on a bike
and if you want to be fit you need to sweat.

Today when I was out I was in a store and
the woman cashier was so fat her belly
was on the counter, I’m not kidding, belly
on the counter.

How does this happen ? Well, I know how
it happened- but why do we look the other way?
How bad is it when you need to rest your belly on the
counter. Or how about the overweight people in the
supermarket riding the store scooters and buying candy.
And if you stare your being rude.

I have a saying, “only listen to the people that get results”.
I wouldn’t listen to a fat doctor who told me how to lose
weight I won’t go to a dentist with bad teeth and I
wouldn’t ask a bum where I should Invest $10,000

This is what most people do, they listen to the so called
experts with PHD or MD in front of their name even
though they have three chins. Be careful and live your
life healthy and fit and be a role model.

If you think these are things I make up look around
some time and tell me if it doesn’t look like the
circus is in town.

Last weeks email talked about what I think the king
of all conditioning exercises is and if you combine
the burpee with hill sprints you will be in for a
workout that will have you huffing and puffing

If you don’t have hills try stairs, Do 10 burpees-
sprint the hill or steps walk down, as soon as you
reach the bottom do 9 then 8 and so on until
you get down to 1.

Try and do this for 15 minutes and if you get
to 1 before the time limit, start back
up the latter. Push yourself. Don’t quit.

Train Hard, and remember if you are fat
and weak it’s your fault.

Johnny Grube

P.S. The Wildman Training Program is the real deal
so grab your copy NOW!

John Grube B.C.S. F.F.S is an expert on the subject
of bodyweight training and real functional fitness.
He has over 25 years of training experience and is
the author of The Wildman Training Program manual ,
The New Expanded version The Wildman Training
Course and The Super Strength Playground Training
Manual. The Backyard Functional FitnessTraining
manual You can also go to
and his blog for video updates For more info

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