Friday, February 20, 2009

Beer guzzling strong men.

The more and more I here about
these strong men and what they
do on their down time is drink

Drinking beer and fitness do not go
together. I know science says, I can
care less what science says.

If it's o.k. to drink, hey let's smoke.
Or do cocaine I mean moderation
is o.k. that's what the experts say.

And you know the experts are
always right.

Most of these strong men only
know what gym strength is
until they are out there doing
this type of training in the cold
and in the heat to earn a living
then I'll listen.

Train Hard, and if your fat and weak it's your own damn fault.

Johnny Grube

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to build Physical and Mental toughness.

Hey, take a look around, look and listen to
people around you. Listen to excuse after
excuse as to why their life sucks.

These people are spineless and have no
backbone whatsoever.

They have no drive or determination.

Physical and mental toughness is something that
is built over time. It’s built by pushing yourself
farther and longer then you ever have.

It’s a feeling that comes over you. A feeling that
nothing will get in my way until I finish what I

Excuses don’t build toughness getting in and
taking action and doing things that you’ve
never done before or pushing yourself
through a work out from hell.

attitude, it’s to push through pain, to keep going
when the body says stop but you dig deep and
let your mind push the body even further then
you could ever imagine possible.

Building physical and mental fitness is never
easy, just like life you need to always be
pushing farther getting outside your comfort
zone doing things you’ve never done before.

This is where you will build the type of physical and
mental strength you need to rise above the masses
who make excuse after excuse and never accomplish

Test yourself with this workout:

45 minute time limit.

500 Bodyweight squats.
500 pushups.
500 U.K. squat thrusts.

Do it any way you want. It’s time to push yourself
farther and to dig a little deeper it’s time to build
physical and mental toughness.

Train Hard, If you are fat and weak it’s your own damn fault

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you want to build a level of physical and mental toughness
pick up a copy of the Wildman Training Program or remain weak
and fat. It’s your choice.

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Monday, February 09, 2009

The fat handicapped people suck.

When did fat become a handicap ? It's not
it's nothing but men and women who can
not say no to food. So should they be
allowed to get a handicap sticker ? NO!

These people should be embarrassed.
These men and women should get
up and walk away from the table
and do some exercise and eat less.

I do not feel bad when these fat people
get sick and disease they brought it on
themselves. If they cared at all about
themselves they would get off their
asses and do something about it.

Fat people are usually sloppy and live
like slobs.

Train Hard, If your fat and weak it's your own damn fault.

Johnny Grube

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Beware of celebrity fitness guru's

There was a time when trainers were in better shape then
the people they train. This is no longer the case the more
and more I look I see overweight trainers training people
how to lose weight and can't seem to do it themselves.

There was trainer I seen on MTV ( I won't say his name )
training a women how to lose weight. This guy has a belly
and double chin and he's a fitness icon, amazing.

I did more research thinking it's got to be the clothes he
was wearing or some explanation, there was not. he is
really fat. Do I care ? Yes people that walk the walk and
talk the talk should be held accountable.

So what I'm saying is don't listen to advice from someone
fatter then you.

Train Hard, and remember if your fat and weak it's your own fault.

Johnny Grube

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Sunday, February 01, 2009

Hey, Don't eat like a Super Bowl fat boy!

Just because it's the Super Bowl everyone thinks
this is a eating and drinking holiday. Hey, being fat
and drunk is no way to go through life.

This is just a game. I watch the Super Bowl and have for years
and I used to eat and eat and eat until I had to unbotton my pants
so I could get more and for what. Nothing.

These are the types of parties and holiday traditions that have
helped you become fat and sloppy.

You know you could sit and watch the game sober and you don't
have to stuff your face to enjoy the game.

Train Hard, If your weak and fat it's your own damn fault

Johnny Grube

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