Sunday, March 29, 2009

Do you really need commercial supplements?

Do you think you really need
to spend all your hard earned
money on supplement after

The fact is if you eat enough of
the right foods and live as healthy
as possible you would not have to
spend money on these supplements
that promise you a new amazing

Most people think that every new
supplement is going to build big
muscles and flatten their stomach
in record time.

I think some supplements should
be used if you don't eat right and
I think a good protein powder is
good for a meal replacement. But
nothing is as effective then good
old fashioned food and exercise.

Get Tough, Stay Tough
Johnny Grube

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Jumping rope one of the best fat burners

If you are looking for a great
fat burning and muscle building
exercise, look no further then
the old school exercise-the
jump rope.

Nowadays, to many meat heads
think that jumping rope is for
girls. The fact is that it takes
a lot of coordination to jump

Jumping rope is the ultimate
athletic builder, Show me
someone that can move a
rope and I'll show you someone
who is fast on their feet.

Jumping rope, is an exercise that
will burn unwanted fat while saving
your lean muscle mass.

Think jumping rope is easy try jumping
a 1,000 times without a miss, it should
take you between 8 to 10 minutes. You
should and try to jump better then 100
times per minute.

Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Want to lose body fat- fast ?

Eat less of this.

And more of that.

Simple and to the point.

Get tough,Stay tough
Johnny Grube

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jack Lalanne the true fitness guru

I personally only listen to people
that walk the walk and talk the talk.

Jack Lalanne for many,many years
has been spreading the gospel of
health and fitness.

Jack lalanne has done many incredible
feats when he was a young man like
doing 1,000 pushups on his half hour
t.v show or how about 1,000 dips done
on bars spaced 34" and only rested
while on the bars.

And the older he gets the more
impressive he becomes.

In 1956 at 42 years old he did
1,033 pushups in 23 minutes
and 50 seconds.

In 1959 at 45 years old he did
1,000 star jumps and 1,000
chinups in 1 hour and 22 minutes.

In 1980 at 66 years old he swam towing
10 boats with 77 people in the boats
over a mile in a little under an hour.

These are just a few of the amazing
things Jack Lalanne accomplished
in his long healthy, fit life.

This is a guy I admire and aspire to
be like. A true fitness guru the
"Godfather of Fitness"

Get Tough, Stay Tough.

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you are tired of doing workouts
that are boring and unproductive YOU
need to order " The Wildman Training
Program" and change your life.

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The weak man diet

It's pretty amazing with all we know
men and women continue to kill themselves
with the food they eat.

The normal American diet has not changed.
Men and women continue to self destruct
every chance they get.

Most men think that eating meat is manly and
healthy. Women will starve themselves to lose
a few pounds and when they do the only meal
they eat is fast food.

Weak men and women with no discipline and
no guts live life this way, they will continue to
kill themselves in the name of comfort.

Someone has to take a stand and really fight this,
we are weak and sick and the more I look the
more sick I become.

Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

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Friday, March 20, 2009

The Deck Of Death

This is a simple but very effective training
routine that you can use any type of bodyweight
exercise to kick your ass in to an almost super
human level of fitness.

Bodyweight training is a love for me. I love everyday
I get to train. Why ? Because I constantly get better.

The standard exercises most use are bodyweight squats
and pushups. But it can be made almost impossible with
an exercise like a burpee.

Try this use the Burpee and try to go through the whole
deck as fast as possible see how long you can go without
a rest.

This is a very intense workout.

Get tough and Stay tough!!

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you want an almost SUPER-HUMAN
level of fitness get the " The Wildman Training
Course NOW!!!

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Fat Beer belly men, Ya gotta love it

This is what a lot of men aspire to look like.
Why because drinking beer is cool and taste
good after a hard days work.

The way we are going we are going to eat and drink
ourselves into an early grave. And worst part is most
don't really care.

Everyone seems to think that drinking is cool and o.k.
and I'm hear to tell you that it does no one any good.

I don't care if you tell me that the research says a
drink a day is good for you. Why is it good for you?

Because it's made from barley, hops, yeast and water?
It dehydrates the body. When the body becomes
dehydrated it becomes acidic. Is having an acidic body
good or bad?

I take what research says with a grain of salt. Most are
on the take. They find and do what they are paid to do
by these billion dollar companies. They make the claims
these companies want to be made.

Booze wrecks peoples lives and always will. If it's o.k. to
drink why not smoke.There's some research that will tell you
that cigarette's may or may not cause health problems.

What about drugs? Why not snort a little nose candy ( cocaine )
once in a while is o.k.

We need to stop being morons and start living a little cleaner
and start to turn this sick and obese country around before
it's to late.

Get tough and stay tough!!

Johnny Grube

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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Get tough and stay tough!!!!

We need physical and mental toughness to get ahead
and to push forward to build a life we are proud of.

This is where most everyone falls short, we have a
shortage of tough men and women. Today’s men
and women are just physically and mentally weak.

To many men and women make to many excuses
and will tell you they had a rough life, how bad
their child hood was and how mommy and daddy
didn’t love them. Well, when do you decide you are
in charge and you can be how you want.

Everyone has problems. But very few deal with their
problems, as a matter of fact every problem now has
a pill and all you do is have to ask.

And this is not an opinion, if you ask most men and women
they will tell you that they take some type of pill for
either a physical problem or mental problem. So why
are so many men and women this way ?

Because they want other people to feel sorry for them.
Don’t tell me how hard life is, deal with it - and move on,
getting tough and staying tough is the only way to really
survive or you can sit around making excuses and take

If we all just take responsibility for our lives and stop crying,
whining and complaining your physical and mental health will
improve and that means your whole life will change.

Workout: Bear crawl and heavy bag or sand bag and 10 yards

Put the bag on the ground – Bear crawl around

the bag 3 to 5 times as fast as possible – Shoulder
the heavy bag and run it 10 yards – Put the bag
down and repeat this workout for 10 to
15 non stop minutes – switching shoulders

each time.

This workout is a full body workout that will build

a high level of functional fitness.

Train Hard and if you are fat and weak it’s your own damn fault

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you are looking to get tough and stay tough “The
Wildman Training Course” will give you a toughness that
will make you proud. So don’t waste time and pick a copy
up NOW!!!

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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Recession proof fitness.

We are in an economic spiral. People are
losing their jobs, losing their health benefits
and are taking more medications and are more
stressed out then ever.

One thing you don’t need is to worry about
your stress levels and how the economy
is gong to effect your health.

This is the time to re-evaluate your life and decide
what is most important to you. Some might think
the most important things are the mortgage, car
payments, and paying off those credit card bills.

But the most important thing you can do is to take
better care of yourself physically and mentally.

You need to learn to relieve stress. Eating better and
exercising is a great way to relieve stress. The best
way to do that is to find an exercise program
you can do at home or where you maybe.

I will show you how you can get into great shape
relieve stress and live a better life physically and

First thing you need to know that the worst that
can happen rarely happens. You will rebound,
the economy will rebound ,but you need to take
care of yourself in these very stressful times.

First thing you need to do is to eat as naturally
as possible and do the best you can to stay away
from the processed food these foods cause you
to eat more and to gain weight and extra weight
will put stress on the body

The most important thing is to drink as much
water as possible. A dehydrated body equals
a stressed body, try to drink at least a half to
one gallon of water a day.

Eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible.
Eat them as a meal or snacks you also want
to eat lean types of proteins nuts, seeds,
chicken, fish.

Exercise will keep you healthy and fit. You don’t
need to spend any money going to a gym, all you need
is your own bodyweight and a little space about 5 or 10
minutes is all you need for a great fat burning workout.

10 pushups – 20 Jumping Jacks – 10 situps.

The exercise should be done for 5 to 10 minutes non-stop.

This is a pretty simple but effective workout that will
burn fat and relieve stress not to mention make you
feel better.

Train Hard, remember if your fat and weak it's your own damn fault.

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you want to build an unstoppable type of attitude
YOU better order yourself a copy of the Wildman Training
Program as soon as possible.

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