Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blue collar strength will always prevail.

This is where a lot of people miss the mark. Real
strength and fitness comes from years and years
of hard training.

Most men will train for a couple of years then take
a lay off then start back up. This will not keep you
strong. You are only as strong and fit as you want
to be.

If you take a man who uses his body everyday to
earn a living and this same man spends his time
training he will always be stronger then the man
who works out 4 times a week.

I know. I all my life have made a living using my
body as a pack mule. But I always found time to

8 to 10 hour days or more, using your body as a
machine, moving and picking up things the strongest
gym rats couldn't handle. This is real not made up to
make blue collar work glorious. Being blue collar is
tough, tough work but it needs to be done.

Try throwing around a 55 gallon drum weighing 500
to 600 lbs or picking up a 1,000 boxes weighing 45 lbs
each and doing it in an hour. How about ditch diggers
or brick layers.

Real strength comes from years and years of training
their are no short cuts.

Train Hard, if you are fat and weak it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pushing your body to super-human limits.

How do you train ? Do you just go through the
motion ? Do you push yourself through the
pain or do you give up when it gets tough ?

If you want to be at a level rarely attained by
most athletes you need to go beyond the
pain. I’m not talking injury pain, I’m talking
about muscular pain.

Most men have no idea what pushing themselves
through pain means. It means going where you
have never gone before, physically and mentally.

Being an athlete or being involved in some sort
of martial arts my whole life, most men stop short
because of discomfort and mental weakness.

At the first sign of muscular failure most will stop and
take a break. Instead of pushing harder and farther
they give up. These are not the people I want watching
my back. I want people who will go and go and go some

If you want strength that can be used at any time you
train and you train hard. If you are or ever have been
involved in sports you work hard and you do whatever
it takes to win. No one likes losers or quitters.

You need to put pain aside and push on. You need
a never give up attitude. To many men and women
make excuses as to why they are weak and fat, and
there is probably no hope for these people.

To many men and women are on some kind of drug
to control stress, pain, blood pressure, etc, these people
are weak. Stop making excuses and control your own
life and start to lead, instead of being a follower.

Lets see what you can do to push beyond your current
fitness level: Pick one exercise and push yourself for 15
minutes and do whatever it takes to complete the 15
minutes with little of no rest.

You know what let me pick the exercise’s. You can
pick from 1 of 3.

Bodyweight squats.
Popups ( non- jumping burpees)

Do the squats going only parallel.
Do the Burpees and Popups without a pushup.

I think you need to test your level of fitness at least
once a week. And when you do push hard and
and do whatever it takes to finish.

To show you what I mean last week I did 760 squats
in 15 minutes. Today I did 808 in 15 minutes. I wanted
it and I got it. Hard yes, But got it done.

Train Hard, if you are fat and weak its your fault.

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you don’t already have “The Wildman Training Program
or Course you better check it out.

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Monday, November 17, 2008

No excuses!!

In today's world we all have a more hectic
lifestyle then ever. And some real important
things get put on the back burner.

We are more stressed, overweight we are
sick physically and mentally. Most of you
will find excuses as to why you are overweight
sick and mentally drained. It comes down to
you there are no excuses.

You do what you want when you want. If you
are fat stop eating. If you are sick take better
care of yourself. If you are stressed find your
stress and eliminate it. Simple and sweet.

This past weekend I was out of town and was
driving alot but still found time to exercise.

I did a fast brutal 15 minute workout:

I did as many Burpees as I could in 15 minutes.

260 Burpees. Not bad for a few hours sleep.

To do a burpee:

Start in a standing position- squat down and put
your hands on the ground- kick your legs back-
(in a pushup position) bring your legs back up
under your chest- stand up and jump.

Repeat this as fast and as long as possible.

The Burpee is a great fat burner.

Train Hard, If you are fat and weak it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

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Friday, November 07, 2008

Building a super-human level of fitness at home.

What can you find around your house or garage to
help you build a level of fitness that would choke
the fittest athletes.

I thrive on being able to train using little or no
equipment and have gotten almost super-human
type results.

First let me explain what I mean when I say super-human.
If you compare this type of training and the results you get
compared to normal men and women you see in the gym
you will look super-human.

The outdoors is your gym. Your surroundings are your
gym. Your bodyweight is your gym. Training in different
environments and switching up your training almost on
a daily basis will keep your results moving.

If you just look around and use your imagination you
will always find something new. Instead of running on
a track or street go off road. Instead of running on
flat land look for the hills.

A mile of running hills are a lot more challenging then
running on flat land. Run and sprint off road, look for
trails to do some training. Do sprints then some walking
then do more sprints.

Look for trees to do some climbing or do some pull-ups.
use different size branches put one hand higher then
the other hand, and build a lot of functional strength.

Ride a bike and find places to train or use your bike and
do some bike sprints or ride the hills and always keep

Look for parks you can use. Use a jump rope and build
world class endurance. Got a back pack ? Put some
weight in there and carry it with you when you go
off road to hit the trails.

Put on a back pack and do some bear crawls, you want
to talk about functional strength, try keeping this on your
back without it shifting from one side to another.

These are just some ways to train and there are a million more
and “The Wildman Training Program or course will always kick
you in the ass.

Train Hard, If you are fat and weak it’s your fault.

Johnny Grube

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Monday, November 03, 2008

A 50lb back pack and a 15" bench.

Today trying some different type of training
so today I did a little test.

500 step ups in 23:40 seconds with a 50 lb
back pack.

Bodyweight training is the way to super - human
fitness in record time.

Train Hard, if your fat and weak it's your fault.

Johnny Grube

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