Monday, April 27, 2009

Try this fast fat burning workout.

To burn the most fat as fast as possible is
to train in short explosive bursts.

You need a jump rope and a place to do
short20 to 30 yard sprints. A running track,
a tennis court, a basketball court, you get the

Jump rope as fast as possible 100 times, drop
the rope and sprint as fast as possible for 20
to 30 yards-walk back. Rest 15 to 30 seconds
then repeat.

Do this for 10 to 15 sets. It's a fat burning ass

Johnny Grube

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

They either love me or hate me.

Some of the men out there will drop me an
email every so often about someone saying
good things about me and bad things.

Most of it comes from forums. This goes to
show everyone I was right. People that spend
all day reading and posting on forums either
are unemployed or weak. Not to mention most
of them are a sorry excuse for a man.

I tell it like it is. I will only say things I can back up
with proof. I will not do things just because some
jackass says I can't.

I did read a post that said I couldn't be pushing the
car with my arms because my feet would be all over
the place, and that if you look close you can see the
exhaust. Yeah dumb ass the motor was on. You can
still put a car in neutral with the engine on.

What about the other things like pulling a car with the
power wheel or one arm ring pushups, I don't see anyone
doing these.

I love when people say you can get these types of workouts
for free on the web, yeah no shit what can't you get for free
on the web.

These men are cheap ass weak men that spend all day thinking
of what to say about the next guy. Back in my day you trained
and then you trained some more.

Today's youth are weak and soft and not one can be considered
a real man, they have no idea how soft they really are. So to all
the forum faggots out there, know what you are talking about
before you speak or just might get your ass kicked by a real

As a matter of fact I might be one of the only men out there
that actually knows what functional fitness really is. All my
life I've flipped tires, used sledge hammers pushed thousands
of pounds in a wheel barrow, and load- load after load of
truck tires lifted millions of pounds of freight by hand and
then some in areas where the temperature was well over
100 degrees.

And after working all day hard I always found time to train.
Not like today's men, to tired to do anything.

Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

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Friday, April 17, 2009

Caffeine Reduces Pain During Exercise, Study Shows

A lot of people are drinking coffee, taking caffeine
before a workout and they don't realize the actual
benefit, they're experiencing less pain during the

It's becoming increasingly common for athletes,
before competing, to consume a variety of
substances that include caffeine, motivated
by the belief that it will help metabolize fat
more efficiently.

Researchers at the University Of Iceland have
been investigating the relationship between
caffeine and physical activity. The research
work initially was focused on exploring
possible links between caffeine intake,
spinal reflexes and physical activity.

Earlier research determined caffeine
works on the adenosine neuromodulatory
system in the brain and spinal cord, and
this system is heavily involved in
nociception and pain processing.

The theory developed that caffeine
blocks adenosine from working,
he speculated that it could reduce pain.

A number of studies support that conclusion,
including investigations considering such
variables as exercise intensity, dose of
caffeine, anxiety sensitivity and gender.

The latest published study on the effects of
caffeine on pain during exercise appears
in the April edition of the International
Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise

The study examines the effects of caffeine
on muscle pain during high-intensity
exercise as a function of habitual caffeine use.

Interestingly, caffeine consumed by individuals
who rarely used it before and habitual users
have the same amount of reduction in pain
during exercise after consumption.

The studies 25 participants were fit, college-aged
males divided into two distinct groups: subjects
whose everyday caffeine consumption was
extremely low to non-existent, and those
with an average caffeine intake of about
400 milligrams a day, the equivalent of
three to four cups of coffee.

After completing an initial exercise test in
the lab on an ergo meter, or stationary cycle,
for determination of maximal oxygen
consumption or aerobic power, subjects
returned for two monitored high-intensity,
30-minute exercise sessions.

An hour prior to each session, cyclists who
had been instructed not to consume caffeine
during the prior 24-hour period were given
a tablet. On one occasion, it contained a dose
of caffeine measuring 5 milligrams per
kilogram of body weight (equivalent to two
to three cups of coffee); the other time,
they received a placebo only.

During both exercise periods, subjects' perceptions
of quadriceps muscle pain was recorded at regular
intervals, along with data on oxygen consumption,
heart rate and work rate.

If a person regularly consumes caffeine, they
need more to have a bigger, mental-energy
effect. But the tolerance effect is not ubiquitous
across all stimuli. Even brain metabolism
doesn't show this tolerance-type effect.

That is, with individuals who are habitual
users versus non-habitual users, if you give
them caffeine and do brain imaging, the
activation is identical.

In the future, further research might be able
to determine caffeine's effect on sport performance.
Although the current research has already shown
that caffeine reduces pain reliably, consistently
during cycling, across different intensities, across
different people, different characteristics...

The next logical question arises about whether
the reduction in pain also translates into an
improvement in sport performance.

For now, the current research could prove
encouraging for a range of people, including
the average person who wants to become
more physically active to realize the health

It's valuable as a practical application. If
you go to the gym and you exercise and
it hurts, you may be more likely to stop
doing that because pain is an aversive
stimulus that tells you to withdraw.

Giving people caffeine and to reduce the
amount of pain they're experiencing,
would help them stick with the exercise.
Maybe then they'll push a little harder as
well and also better adapt to the exercise.

Center for Sport and Health Sciences, Iceland
University of Education.

Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm a big jack ass

Why am I jackass ? According to many people
I'm rude and am hurtful. The fact is I tell it like
it is.

I always have. I make the choice to do what I
want and say what I want.The reason is the
questions I get, and how I answer them.

The problem is once people think they no the
answer, no matter how stupid it is, they will
not change their mind, even after they have
the right answer.These men and women are
stupid asses and I won't answer anymore
stupid questions.

You can't bring better health to people that
really don't want it. Just like you telling someone
they shouldn't smoke. Well you got to die from

Yeah nothing like spending 6 dollars a day to
kill yourself you might as well climb to the
roof and jump.These are the same people
that would rather buy cigarettes and booze
then spend money on food for their kids.

The reason I'm telling you this is we are
far and few and we need to stick together.
And to the people that just go through their
lives with no moral values, your killing us,
oh well-it's your life.

I'm around formally educated men and women
all day and am always surprised how dumb
some really are. I here complaint after
complaint and not one talks about a solution.

As a matter of fact, I work for a company,
but I won't say the name, just that
"what can brown do for you"( hint.)

The funny things most of the men and
women are sick, they have high blood
pressure, anxiety, panic attacks, depression,
diabetes and are overweight.And what do
they do about ?

Drink tons of coffee, eat hot dogs, candy and
every Friday they get donuts and coffee. Is
there a wonder why theyhave these problems.
caffeine and sugar.This is the way most live.

We need to stay on top and continue to be the
elite and push and push and push some more.
We need to live by example.We need to stop
sugar coating the situation.
It's the simple things that bring the big results.
It's not about the six pack abs or the 18 inch arms
or running10 miles a day, it's about real health
and being physically fit.

That's my rant for the week.
Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Americas kids are soft and weak

I was watching real sports on t.v
and they did a segment on eliminating
dodge ball in schools.

The reason is their winners and losers.
Yeah, that's life. You are either a winner
or a loser.

These people that are trying to take
competition out of school, hell why
bother sending your kids to school
why not keep them home and home
school your kids if you want them
to be a delicate flower.

I got an idea. Toughen your kid up.
Get them ready for life. To live in
real life you need to have a thick

Basically people that support no
competition in sports or in anything
were pushed around sissies and they
usually grow up and raise sissies.

We all want our kids to be safe in school
but at what cost. There is a school that
eliminated tag, instead they play shadow
tag. That's where you step on the shadow,
they actually went to a no touching school
no high fives no hand shaking. What is
going on.

We are raising a nation of sissies and we
need to let kids be kids. Kids are going
to win and lose. They will fall and get
cuts and scrapes.

If we continue this these kids will never
be able to handle the smallest situation
and at the first sign of failure and
embarrassment they will lose control
and who knows what will happen.

Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

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Monday, April 13, 2009

Outdoor Training

Johnny Grube's gym. This is
how I love to train. Being one
with nature, fresh air and
open areas.

Getting a great workout is as
easy as opening a door and going

The great thing about using outdoors
as your gym, it's free and you will always
a place to train.

Another great thing about outdoor
training is almost everything around
you can be used as equipment.

Bodyweight training and different types
of equipment like playgrounds, benches,
rocks, sandbags, logs can be used for a
kick-ass workout.

You can make bodyweight training as
easy or as difficult as you want to. My
advice is to keep everything as easy
as possible.

Keep it simple. Work hard. Sweat.
Never give up.

Train this way you will burn fat and
build lean athletic muscle for any sport
or just for everyday life.


Sprint for 1 minute-walk 1 minute
repeat 3 times.

Sprint for 30 seconds-walk 30 seconds.
repeat 3 times.

Sprint for 15 seconds-walk 15 seconds.
repeat 3 times.

Walk for 2 minutes. Then repeat.

Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

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Johnny Grube using a 100lb heavy bag for functional strength

Building real life functional strength can be fun
and effective at the same time.

I like to use a old heavy bag. The reason is you
can grip a sand bag, but not a heavy bag, making it
harder to lift.

Making it harder to lift means using more muscles
which means more strength and better body awareness.

The more muscles you need to use will give you more
strength from all angles. So when you do grab a hold
of someone they will know and feel real power.

For a great workout try this workout and do it for
100 yards as fast as you can. Rest 1 minute then come
back. Try and beat my time for a 100 yards 3:30

Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

P.S. If you want this type of strength order a copy
of the " Backyard Functional Strength manual"

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The bodyweight iron core builder

The old school piece of equipment
the ab wheel is probably the greatest
core builder in my opinion.

This piece of equipment has built
a lot of iron cores over the years.
But it gets a bad wrap because it
is a kick ass lower back strengthener

This exercise is not for the weak. If
done correctly this exercise will give
you one hell of a workout.

Using the ab wheel on your knees is
hard enough for most people, but
from a standing position its even

It takes a man to roll out flat from a
standing position and roll back in.

Try these starting on your knees and
work to a standing position.

If you use this tool you will build an
extremely hard ass core.

Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

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