Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Being fat will actually save you money over the course
of your life.

Did I hear right, being fat will save me money in the
long run. Yup up heard it right. I picked up some
vegan magazine and read an article that actually
said that if you stay healthy and fit and live longer
that it will cost you more money over the course of
your life.

The author also talked about if you are obese that
you won’t live as long so it will cost you less in
medical expense’s over the course of your life.

So this author, or expert wants you to think that
if you take care of yourself it will cost you more then
if you are obese.

This is the kind of information that these fat people
want to hear. These lazy ass fat people would love
to hear this. So the negative of being obese is now
turned to a positive.

These are the experts that people are getting their
Information from and this is why most are confused
and fat.

The good thing that this article is in a vegan magazine
and the chances of a fat person reading this is far and

I thought some of you might have liked to have heard
about this crazy article. I really think most experts are
way off the mark. The more and more I read what other
fitness professionals say and their opinions it really
pisses me off because people believe this stuff.

Most fat people will give you 100 different excuses as
to why they are fat, and why they can’t lose weight. So
when I read an article like the one I talked about it gives
the fat a reason to stay fat.

I know I’m wasting my time when someone asks me
what they can do to lose weight and I tell them what
they can do and they tell me they can’t do that. O.K.
then don’t ask again.

I had a guy ask me what he could do to build his arms and
lose his stomach,” I said” How do you eat, and do you drink
He said he doesn’t drink, but he didn’t tell me he eats four
Reese peanut butter cups a day. I never gave him an answer.

I had a friend that asked me what he can do to lose weight and
to control his diabetes I gave him some things he could do and
later that night he ordered a cheese steak for lunch.

Basically I’m ranting because of that article and it really pissed
me off.

The workout: 30 minute jump rope workout.

Pick any 5 different bodyweight exercises. I’ll give you an example
Jumping Jacks.
Flutter kicks.
Squat Thrusts.

Jump rope for 1 minute- Jumping Jacks for 1- minute repeat
until you do all 3 sets of Jumping Jacks and 3 sets of
Jumping rope.
Total 6 minutes.

Move to the next exercise and continue non-stop until all
exercises are complete when you are done you will have
15 minutes of jumping rope and 15 minutes of bodyweight

This is a tough workout and you will sweat and burn fat

Train Hard, and remember being fat sucks.

Johnny Grube

P.S. Burn a ton of fat by ordering
“ The Wildman Training Course” TODAY!


Lose weight with the all day snacking diet.

What how will I lose weight by snacking all day?

The reason that most people get fat is because of
over eating not enough exercise and lack of planning,
and, oh yeah excuses.

Most people are stressed out, go a long time without
eating and then when they can’t handle it anymore
that stop and grab the first nasty, fat filled, greased up
food they can find.

Now most food you grab on the go has so many
calories in it that sometimes you will get the
recommended number of calories you need for
the day in one meal.

If you take in 2,000 calories and 40 grams of fat
at a fast food restaurant there Is no way you can
burn that off that day.

Then go home later and eat another 1,000 to
1,500 calories and then have your evening
cocktail with is even adding extra calories.
Then go to bed and start over again the next
day. It’s no wonder you gained 60 extra
pounds last year.

Bad eating habits, stress and no exercise and
excuses equals long term disaster, physically
and mentally.

One thing you can do that will guarantee success
is to snack on healthy foods during the day.
vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and some dry
fruit and always carry water with you and drink
a lot of it.

Always carry healthy snacks with you when you
travel or in your day to day activities, so when
you get hungry you’ll always be prepared.

There is no excuses most grocery stores carry
small bags of fruit and vegetables. But, if you do
need to stop for lunch stop by a grocery store
not your local convenience store. Buy some
fresh fruit and vegetables it will only cost you a
couple of dollars and it fill you up. You will
have more energy all day long and it will
save you a ton of money.

This is a fail safe system if you eat this way add
a few minutes of bodyweight exercises in during
the day, there is no way you won’t feel better and
start to strip away unwanted body fat.

The Wildman training program works wonders
read the testimonials, it’s a fact. Try it out for

Train Hard, and remember being fat sucks.

Johnny Grube

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Should fat people being discriminated against?

The more and more I look around I see more and
more obese people. But how can this be? We have
more knowledge about exercise and nutrition
than ever before.

People exercise more. People are eating better.
How can people still be getting fatter? Because
they are all being fooled into thinking that there
is a special diet or workout program that will
be the answer to all there problems.

The fact is people will continue to get fatter and
sick while waiting around for the magic formula.
Instead of taking responsibility for themselves
they want to leave it up to someone else to get
them the answer.

Obese people are putting a strain on the health
care system they are causing millions of dollars
in medical expense and medications all because
they can’t keep their mouths shut.

Obesity is not a disease. Obesity causes diseases.
These are man made diseases. And with all of our
knowledge we still can’t seem to get it.

Food is not the problem. It’s the people eating the
wrong foods to excess and not exercising.

I read an article that there is a man who is suing
the fast food restaurants because he got fat. Now,
is this man stupid ? Or just looking for a payday.

It’s the same as a man that smokes for 30 years
and develops lung cancer and sues the tobacco
companies because he got sick.

These people need to take responsibility for their
actions, they get fat because they have no self-respect
for themselves.

It’s come down to fat people feeling that they are being
discriminated against.

Did you know that it’s a fact that a lean person will usually
get picked for a job before someone overweight.

If I’m an employer and I obese person waddles into my
office first thing I’m thinking this person probably gets
sick more, will miss more days, and it will cost me a
fortune in medical insurance.

I’m not talking about someone who is 10 lbs overweight
I’m talking about people 50 lbs overweight or more.

A couple of things that can be done easily to eliminate

1. One thing is to stop using food for recreational use.
Food should be used when it’s needed, not for social

2. Food should not be eaten when your stressed, you
will eat more and it’s usually high in fat and processed.

3. Plan your days better, always keep healthy snacks with
you. ( fruit, dried fruit, nuts, seeds, vegetables etc.)

4. Always drink lots of water.

These simple tips will help you drop off the pounds quick.

The Bear Crawl and one arm pushup workout:.

Find a open space football field, soccer field, or even a
few yards will do.

Lay on the ground one hand behind your back. From
the ground pushup using one arm. Lower yourself
slowly to the ground switch arms and repeat.

Bear Crawl for 10 to 20 steps. Lay on the ground do
another one pushup. Lower yourself slowly and switch

Bear Crawl another 10 to 20 steps. Repeat this for the
length of a football field or soccer field alternating arms.

No – Rest

Walk back, start again and start over- repeat for 3 to 5 sets.

This is a great strength builder. Try it and let me know.

If you want to burn fat and build lean muscle check out
“The Wildman Training Program or Course”

Train Hard, And remember being fat sucks.

Johnny Grube