Thursday, April 23, 2009

They either love me or hate me.

Some of the men out there will drop me an
email every so often about someone saying
good things about me and bad things.

Most of it comes from forums. This goes to
show everyone I was right. People that spend
all day reading and posting on forums either
are unemployed or weak. Not to mention most
of them are a sorry excuse for a man.

I tell it like it is. I will only say things I can back up
with proof. I will not do things just because some
jackass says I can't.

I did read a post that said I couldn't be pushing the
car with my arms because my feet would be all over
the place, and that if you look close you can see the
exhaust. Yeah dumb ass the motor was on. You can
still put a car in neutral with the engine on.

What about the other things like pulling a car with the
power wheel or one arm ring pushups, I don't see anyone
doing these.

I love when people say you can get these types of workouts
for free on the web, yeah no shit what can't you get for free
on the web.

These men are cheap ass weak men that spend all day thinking
of what to say about the next guy. Back in my day you trained
and then you trained some more.

Today's youth are weak and soft and not one can be considered
a real man, they have no idea how soft they really are. So to all
the forum faggots out there, know what you are talking about
before you speak or just might get your ass kicked by a real

As a matter of fact I might be one of the only men out there
that actually knows what functional fitness really is. All my
life I've flipped tires, used sledge hammers pushed thousands
of pounds in a wheel barrow, and load- load after load of
truck tires lifted millions of pounds of freight by hand and
then some in areas where the temperature was well over
100 degrees.

And after working all day hard I always found time to train.
Not like today's men, to tired to do anything.

Get Tough, Stay Tough

Johnny Grube

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Anonymous Steve said...

Johnny, you're painting with a pretty wide brush here. I can see that you're exercised about what some people wrote; you should choose your phrases more carefully so as to not include all men. (That'd be me, too ... I am admittedly weak, but I desire to change that.)

8:52 PM  
Blogger Sally Pointer said...


9:47 AM  

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